
Vietnam – Nha Trang

The Most Amazing Beach Town If you ever get tired of the city, the beach is the place to go. I highly recommend Nha Trang, as it was a nice beach town with warm weather and lots to do. We stayed at the a simple, clean place called the Mojzo […]


Vietnam – Ho Chi Minh City

Although I have traveled throughout South-East Asia several times, I never had the chance to visit Vietnam. Several of my good friends are Vietnamese, and I have always heard great things about the people, food and culture. Last year, my wife and I decided to go during our winter break. […]

What does Muzungu mean? The most important part of any website is the ‘name’, it encompasses everything that your site is about. It’s a brand, it defines you, who you are and what your trying to express with your art… but nobody wants to type in vafaandersonphotography.com … its TOO […]

As human beings, it’s in our nature to compare ourselves with those around us. Something as simple as your first and last name can describe so much about you and yet miss the picture entirely. As a half Persian, half Canadian, born in small town Alberta, I didn’t see much […]

When I was about 9 years old, my parents packed up our lives and moved my brother and I to Rwanda Africa. “Why?” might you ask? Well my father and mother actually met in the Gambia while my father was traveling Africa. Since then, they have always wanted to return […]